Project Background

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, global business operations faced unprecedented challenges, particularly in the context of overseas travel and access to skilled resources. A leading manufacturing conglomerate, renowned for its expansive international presence with over 500 subsidiaries worldwide, recognized the need to implement an innovative solution to address these challenges. The client aimed to establish a robust remote assistance service that would enable real-time collaboration and support, bridging geographical gaps and ensuring efficient problem-solving across its vast network.


The project encountered several challenges, especially considering the client's meticulous approach to adopting new technologies, typical of Japanese companies. A comprehensive Proof of Concept (POC) phase was required, encompassing various communication modes (including calls, texts, video, screen sharing, file sharing, recording, and annotation). These functions needed to be tested across diverse scenarios, such as one-to-one interactions, one-to-group, and group-to-group communication, within the intranet, outside the intranet, and via an internet-intranet combination.

Exhibit 1:

Matrix illustrating one of the analyses conducted during the project to inform the POC testing scenarios (simplified version)


The outcomes of the project clearly showcased the capabilities and limitations of the remote assistance tool. With a heightened level of confidence, the client was empowered to launch an in-house remote assistance service, which rapidly evolved into an indispensable asset across its sprawling network of subsidiaries. The successful implementation of the Microsoft HoloLens-based remote assistance solution brought efficiency, streamlined collaboration, and accelerated issue resolution, thereby driving productivity to new heights.

JP Tokyo's Differentiators

To successfully address the challenges outlined in the previous section, our team swiftly acquired the necessary Microsoft HoloLens devices and licenses. We meticulously formulated multiple use-case scenarios, drawing from real-life examples, and took on the roles of both operators and instructors to simulate various scenarios. This approach not only enabled us to define the precise requirements and use cases for remote assistance but also resulted in the creation of comprehensive provisioning packages. These packages allowed the client's personnel to effortlessly install and use the HoloLens devices, facilitated by a simple USB plugin.

Understanding Remote Assistance and its Productivity Benefits:

What is Remote Assistance?

Remote assistance refers to a technology-driven approach that allows experts, technicians, or skilled professionals to provide real-time guidance and support to remote personnel. This is achieved through the use of advanced communication and augmented reality (AR) tools, such as the Microsoft HoloLens. Through a combination of video conferencing, live video streaming, and AR overlays, remote experts can virtually "see" what the on-site personnel are seeing, enabling them to diagnose problems, offer step-by-step instructions, annotate visuals, and even interact with the physical environment from a remote location.

Increasing Productivity with Remote Assistance: Remote assistance offers a plethora of benefits that directly contribute to increased productivity within an organization, particularly in a large manufacturing company with a global presence.

Reduced Downtime: Swift issue resolution through real-time guidance minimizes equipment downtime, ensuring seamless operations and minimizing production disruptions. Efficient Problem Solving: Remote experts can diagnose complex issues more effectively by virtually inspecting equipment and providing precise instructions, leading to quicker solutions.

Cost Savings: Reduced need for travel, on-site visits, and physical presence of experts results in substantial cost savings related to transportation, accommodation, and associated expenses.

Knowledge Sharing: Remote assistance allows for the transfer of specialized knowledge and skills from experts to on-site personnel, enabling them to handle similar issues independently in the future.

Enhanced Training: Experts can remotely guide trainees through hands-on tasks, creating immersive training experiences and accelerating skill development.

Real-Time Collaboration: Geographically dispersed teams can collaborate seamlessly, making collective decisions, sharing insights, and working together to resolve challenges.

Faster Decision-Making: Timely access to remote expertise facilitates quicker decision-making, leading to faster response times and enhanced operational agility.

Documentation and Analytics: Remote assistance sessions can be recorded, analyzed, and used for training, process improvement, and quality control purposes. The successful implementation of a remote assistance solution, such as the Microsoft HoloLens-based system described in this use case, can significantly enhance productivity in a large manufacturing company by optimizing issue resolution, knowledge transfer, collaboration, and decision-making processes. This technology-driven approach proves invaluable, especially in times of restricted travel and when access to skilled resources is limited.