Project Background

Remote work and data security were but a few of the casualties that the COVID-19 epidemic inflicted worldwide. To mitigate the consequences on their global workforce numbering thousands of employees, a prominent manufacturing acknowledges the necessity to empower its employees with comprehensive education on Microsoft 0365 services and administration. The aim was to equip users with the skills to effectively utilize Microsoft tools such as Teams, SharePoint Online (SPO), Planner, Forms, and Yammer, while also providing IT administrators with in-depth knowledge about Azure, Azure DevOps, Security and Compliance, User Management, Device Management, Rule and Policy Setting, as well as Audit and Monitoring functionalities.

Project Objective

The project aimed to achieve the following objectives:
Enhanced User Proficiency: Equip end-users with a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft 0365 applications, enabling them to efficiently collaborate, communicate, and manage tasks in a remote work environment.
Empowered IT Administration: Provide IT administrators with advanced skills in utilizing Azure, Azure DevOps, and other critical tools for ensuring data security, compliance, user management, and efficient device management.

Cloud Adoption: Increase awareness and adoption of cloud-based solutions within the organization, promoting a shift towards Microsoft 0365 services.
Operational Efficiency: Streamline company-wide operations by fostering the use of Microsoft 0365 tools, resulting in improved communication, collaboration, and project management.


JP Tokyo, in collaboration with key stakeholders, meticulously executed the project in several stages:

  1. Needs Assessment: Conducted a comprehensive assessment to identify the specific training needs of both end-users and IT administrators.

  2. Content Creation: Developed tailored training materials, including user-friendly guides, video tutorials, and interactive modules. For IT administrators, in-depth resources covering Azure, security protocols, compliance, and more were prepared.

  3. Scenario-Based Training: Designed training sessions based on real-life work scenarios, ensuring practical relevance and applicability.

  4. Self-Paced Learning: Provided access to a dedicated online learning platform where employees could engage with the training materials at their convenience.

  5. Progress Tracking: Implemented a system to monitor and evaluate participants' progress, identifying areas that required additional focus.


The successful implementation of the Microsoft 0365 training project led to significant, positive outcomes:
Increased Cloud Adoption: The organization witnessed a substantial surge in the use of Microsoft 0365 services, with approximately 70% of employees actively utilizing the tools for enhanced productivity and collaboration.

Cultivated Expertise: IT administrators acquired advanced proficiency in Azure, Azure DevOps, security protocols, and compliance measures, enabling more effective management of IT infrastructure.
Operational Efficiency: The organization experienced streamlined operations, improved communication, and optimized project management through the integrated use of Microsoft 0365 tools.
Promoted Remote Work Culture: Employees seamlessly adapted to remote work scenarios, leveraging Microsoft 0365 applications to maintain productivity and connectivity.
In conclusion, JP Tokyo's meticulous approach to designing and implementing the Microsoft 0365 training project led to a significant enhancement in the organization's cloud adoption and operational efficiency, making it a successful endeavor amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The JP Tokyo Difference

This initiative stood out due to its innovative approach and collaborative efforts. As a distinguished Microsoft Gold Partner , the Tokyo branch (JP Tokyo) not only formulated the organization-wide policies and operational procedures but also devised a tailored training program. This program was meticulously designed based on real-world scenarios and actual screen images, promoting self-sufficiency and practical application.