

Project Background:

The client is a medium to large size enterprise in Japan which owns multiple SaaS based services for B2B as well as B2C customers.
It was already running a online reservation system for hospitals and clinics across the Japan with limited features.
As part of their business expansion strategy, the client decided to build a new service (new system) which would be more exhaustive and would also be connected to their existing online reservation system.

Process and challenges:

There were 4 teams which were from different companies as follows:

  1. Project Management Team (PM Tool: Backlog)

  2. UI/UX Team (Tool: Adobe)

  3. Front-end Team

  4. Backend and Infra Team (JP Tokyo)

We were entrusted with the backend and cloud infrastructure development and used following tech-stack in the project.

  • Backend: Node JS, Mongo DB (Azure Cosmos DB), Github CICD, API Design Tool: Swagger, Unit Test Tool: Jest (jest-html-reporter) 

  • Infra: Azure [Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), AKS Monitor, Azure CDN, Azure Container Registry, Azure DevOps]

Some of the key challenges faced in the project were:

  • Generally, our (backend) team was ahead of schedule and the front-end team's work needed rework due to multiple client's change request regarding look & feel which impacted the schedule of integration testing and sometimes also the development schedule of some depended backend components.

  • In this project, it was decided to use Azure Cloud as Cloud Infrastructure. However, since the client lacked the know-how of Azure, we were asked to provide a very detailed documentation and multiple demo sessions for every service/server which we used in the project. A lot of time was spent on the hand-holding of the client about the Azure Cloud and its working.

JP Tokyo differentiator:

  • Despite multiple delays on FE team size and additional documentation and demo requests from the client, we ensured the timely delivery as planned by project management team at the start of the project. We were able to do this by our dedication and ensuring that we were almost always always ahead of our sprint schedule.

  • We were able to secure highest customer satisfaction with our quality and timely deliverables.

  • We took additional initiatives by first proposing and then educating the client about the latest technology in the Azure Cloud.