

Project Background

The United States is undergoing a significant shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) due to the implementation of Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) regulations and the global transition away from conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles. Recognizing this transformative trend within the rapidly growing U.S. Electric Vehicle (EV) recharging market, our client, a prominent heavyweight within the industrial sector and boasting a far-reaching global presence, is poised to harness the potential presented by the EV recharging domain. The client aimed to strategically position itself along the EV recharging market value chain, building upon its origins as a B-to-C non-contact equipment supplier and carving out its role within the EV recharging landscape in the United States.
The primary objectives encompass identifying suitable partnerships across various business facets, crafting a comprehensive business model, delineating the roles and contributions of key stakeholders and collaborators, establishing a discernible framework for sales and post-sales support, and generating pivotal industry-focused documentation.


The project of entering the U.S. EV recharging market presented several significant challenges that needed to be carefully addressed:

Complex Ecosystem Dynamics: The EV recharging market involves a multitude of stakeholders, each with distinct roles and interests. Navigating the intricate interplay between investors, automobile manufacturers, charging station providers, distributors, installers, and maintenance services requires a deep understanding of the ecosystem's dynamics.

EV Market Uncertainties: The rapidly evolving nature of the EV market and potential regulatory changes can introduce uncertainties. Anticipating shifts in consumer preferences, technological advancements, and regulatory developments is crucial to making informed decisions.

Partnership Alignment: Selecting the right partners for manufacturing, distribution, installation, and after-service is essential for success. Identifying partners with aligned values, capabilities, and goals can be challenging, and the negotiation and management of these partnerships require careful consideration.

Competitive Landscape: The EV recharging market is becoming increasingly competitive as more players enter the industry. Standing out in a crowded market and effectively differentiating from competitors demand a well-defined value proposition and strategic positioning.

Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to local and federal regulations related to EV charging infrastructure, safety standards, and environmental requirements is essential. Navigating these regulations while ensuring timely compliance can be complex.

Technical Compatibility: Ensuring seamless integration of EV charging stations with different vehicle models, manufacturers, and software systems can pose technical challenges. Compatibility issues might affect user experience, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Technological Evolution: The rapid pace of technological advancements in the EV industry necessitates a forward-looking approach. Staying updated with emerging technologies and trends is essential to remain competitive and relevant.

Navigating these challenges requires a comprehensive and strategic approach, leveraging the insights gathered from research and interactions to create effective solutions that ensure a successful entry into the U.S. EV recharging market.


During the execution phase, our endeavors have expanded to encompass the complete EV lifecycle, encompassing stages ranging from initial EV purchase to subsequent after-service provisions. This thorough investigation has culminated in the development of an intricate matrix that delves into the collaborative interplay among key players (such as investors like Schneider Electric and Strandviewcapitals, automobile manufacturers including BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, and Land Rover, charging station manufacturers like Siemens, eMotorsWerks, and ChargePoint, distributors such as eMotorsWerks, ChargePoint, and Qmerit, intermediaries like Qmerit, installation and after-service providers like ChargePoint, eMotorsWerks, Emcor, and Solic) within the expansive EV ecosystem. This matrix affords an insightful overview of the diverse contributions made by each stakeholder toward the seamless functioning of the EV market. Below is a summary of the extended research and pivotal elements encapsulated within the work distribution matrix:

Exhibit 1:

First part of the matrix depicting EV charger installation and maintenance service channels

  • Purchase of an EV:

    • Consumer: Researches and selects EV model based on preferences and requirements.

    • Dealerships: Dispense information, facilitate test drives, and oversee the purchasing transaction.

  • Comparison of EV Charging Stations:

    • Consumer: Compares diverse charging station options concerning speed, location, and availability.

    • Charging Station Providers: Extend insights into station features and advantages.

  • Purchase of EV Charging Stations:

    • Consumer: Determines suitable charging station type and model for installation.

    • Charging Station Providers: Supply charging equipment and may offer installation services.

  • Selection of Vendor for Charging Station Setup:

    • Consumer: Evaluates vendors based on expertise, pricing, and reputation.

    • Installation Vendors: Provide comprehensive installation services ensuring proper integration.

  • Requesting Quotation::

    • Consumer: Solicits quotations from potential installation vendors.

    • Installation Vendors: Compile and furnish quotations for the installation process.

  • Setting Up the Charging Station:

    • Installation Vendors: Undertake installation procedures, ensuring compatibility and optimal functioning.

  • Reception of After-Service:

    • Consumer: Engages with installation vendor for post-installation queries or concerns.

    • Installation Vendors: Address customer inquiries, extend technical support, and resolve issues.

  • After-Service:

    • Consumer: Seeks maintenance, repairs, or enhancements for charging station.

    • Maintenance Providers: Provide ongoing maintenance, repair, and upgrade services for charging stations.

  • Concurrently, this endeavor has culminated in the development of comprehensive components:

  • Industry Map

    • Illustrating the U.S. EV recharging market landscape, spotlighting key players, competitors, and market trends.

  • Value Chain Structure:

    • Outlining the EV recharging market's value chain, highlighting stages involving production, distribution, and service of EV charging equipment.

  • Business Model Structure :

    • A meticulously defined business model detailing revenue generation, pricing strategies, and value creation within the EV recharging market.

  • Role of Key Players and Partners :

    • Identification of potential partners for manufacturing, sales, installation, and after-sales services, elucidating their respective roles and contributions to the client's market entry.

  • Pattern of Sales and After-sales Service :

    • Establishing a transparent pattern for sales and after-sales support, elucidating the client's approach to customer engagement, maintenance, and satisfaction assurance.

  • Exhibit 2

    Matrix depicting service channel patterns of US-based EV automakers

  • • Additional Insights :

    • Incorporating pertinent information that emerged during research and analysis phases, offering a holistic understanding of opportunities and challenges within the U.S. EV recharging market.

  • Furthermore, through direct engagement with key market players and industry experts, we have enriched the project's foundation. The acquired firsthand information concerning their strengths, business models, processes, and value propositions served as an invaluable asset, fortifying the client's positioning within the EV recharging market. This immersive interaction facilitated a nuanced comprehension of the market landscape, underpinning well-informed decision-making. Key insights from these interactions encompassed:

  • Understanding Strengths: In-depth insights into the strengths of each key player, aiding strategic collaboration and differentiation for the client.

  • Business Model Insights: Gaining an appreciation of the business models employed by market leaders, informing the refinement of the client's own model.

  • Optimizing Business Processes: Leveraging established business processes to enhance the client's operations, customer experiences, and service delivery.

  • Tailoring Value Propositions: Adapting the client's value proposition based on an understanding of unique customer benefits offered by different players.

Client Impact / Result

The culmination of this initiative was the meticulous mapping of stages and interactions within the extended EV ecosystem, which the work distribution matrix exemplifies. This comprehensive perspective empowered a strategic and holistic entry into the EV recharging market, serving as an indispensable instrument for the client and stakeholders to position themselves adeptly, foster alliances, and provide impactful services that contribute to the robust expansion and prosperity of the U.S. EV market.

JP Tokyo's Differentiators

JP Tokyo's differentiators stem from its ability to provide a holistic, data-driven, and strategic approach to entering the EV recharging market. Its comprehensive understanding of the industry, coupled with its capacity to tailor solutions, forge partnerships, and offer end-to-end support, positions JP Tokyo as a valuable partner for clients seeking to navigate and excel in the dynamic landscape of electric vehicle recharging.

In-depth Industry Insights: JP Tokyo's engagement in the comprehensive research and direct interactions with key players positions it as an authoritative source of industry insights. This in-depth understanding of the EV recharging market's landscape, key players, value chain, and emerging trends equips JP Tokyo with a distinct advantage in making informed decisions and offering strategic guidance to clients.

Holistic Approach: JP Tokyo's project encompassed the entire EV lifecycle, from EV purchase to after-service support. This holistic approach ensured that no critical aspect is overlooked, setting JP Tokyo apart as a comprehensive solution provider that understands the intricate interplay of various stages and stakeholders.

Strategic Partnerships: Through its research and interactions, JP Tokyo identified and evaluated potential partners for various aspects of the business. This capacity to strategically align clients with suitable partners enhances the overall value proposition and accelerates market entry, setting JP Tokyo apart as a facilitator of strategic collaborations.

Tailored Business Models: JP Tokyo's ability to derive insights into different players' business models, revenue streams, and value creation mechanisms empowers it to craft tailored business models for clients. This customization ensured that the client's business approach is optimized for success and differentiation within the EV recharging market.

Comprehensive Value Proposition: Armed with an understanding of key players' strengths and value propositions, JP Tokyo assists clients in refining their own value proposition. This enables clients to position themselves uniquely, offering distinctive benefits to customers and stakeholders, setting them apart from the competition.

Optimized Processes: JP Tokyo's grasp of established business processes within the EV ecosystem allows it to guide clients in streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and ensuring seamless service delivery. This optimization provides clients with a competitive edge in efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Insights-driven Decision-making: JP Tokyo's approach is rooted in data-driven insights acquired through interactions and research. This analytical foundation empowers clients to make well-informed decisions, minimizing risks and capitalizing on opportunities, setting JP Tokyo apart as a provider of strategic counsel based on real-world data.

End-to-end Support: From industry mapping to value chain structuring, business model development, and more, JP Tokyo offers comprehensive end-to-end support. This breadth of services distinguishes it as a one-stop solution provider, streamlining the client's journey into the EV recharging market.

Thought Leadership: JP Tokyo's role in creating industry-related documents, including the industry map, value chain structure, and insights into key players, establishes it as a thought leader in the evolving EV recharging market. This reputation enhances its credibility and influence within the industry.

Client Empowerment: JP Tokyo empowers clients by equipping them with the knowledge, strategies, and partnerships needed to thrive in the EV recharging market. This client-centric approach differentiates JP Tokyo as an enabler of success, supporting clients in achieving their goals and realizing their market potential.